Final Full Paper Author Instructions

Guidelines for Final Full Paper Submission:

The use of artificial intelligence (AI)–generated text in an article shall be disclosed in the acknowledgements section of any paper submitted to an IEEE Conference or Periodical. The sections of the paper that use AI-generated text shall have a citation to the AI system used to generate the text.

Format for Accepted Papers

Final conference papers must be submitted following the IEEE conference templates here.  Failure to use the template may result in papers not being included in the Proceedings. 

  • Style Manual (use A4 format in latex or word)
  • The maximum number of pages is 7, including title page and references

Using the IEEE template is mandatory, and any variation from the IEEE template may lead to immediate rejection of your paper by the system.


1. Register Online

Register Online Here

Please read carefully the following information concerning the registration procedure that is presented in the Author Instructions, especially if you are the prospective presenter of an accepted paper or if you need to guarantee inclusion of your accepted paper in the proceedings. An accepted paper will be published in the proceedings only if the full-fee registration payment for one of the authors is received and correctly processed by September 2, 2024 – no exceptions. In addition, the author must attend the conference and present the paper. Papers that are not presented will not be published. No exceptions.

Only member or non-member fees are allowed to cover the publication of an accepted paper. To qualify for member rates, the membership number must be provided in the registration form. Student registration fees do NOT guarantee the publication of an accepted paper. If the author registering to cover the paper publication is a student, he/she has to pay the appropriate member or non-member fee. Members to whom the society bylaws grant special discounts (e.g., Students, Life members of the IEEE) cannot use the discounted rates to cover the publication of an accepted paper, they have to pay the member fee.

One author registration will cover the publication expenses of only ONE accepted paper. For each additional accepted paper associated to the same registration, a $100 USD fee will be charged. Up to 3 papers can be covered by a single registration with additional paper fees. If an author is registering to cover the publication of more than 3 papers, they will need to pay an additional full registration fee. In the case no registration has been received and correctly processed to cover the paper publication, the conference organizers will contact the authors before the paper is removed from the proceedings.

You will be required to enter your registration code prior to uploading your paper. Please contact Alexis Wisdom, IEEE ISPCS 2024 Conference Manager, should you have any issues.


2. Generate an IEEE Xplore compatible manuscript using PDF Xpress

All final manuscripts must be generated using the PDF Xpress tool.

To generate the IEEE Xplore compatible PDF file of your paper, follow these steps:

  1. Create your IEEE PDF eXpress account:
  2. Conference ID: 63021X
  3. The first time you access the system, please follow the link to new user. Please note that in order to access the service, you need to allow the use of cookies from the PDF eXpress web site. Once you have registered as a new user:
    1. Upload the source file (containing your paper) for conversion.
    2. Receive by e-mail the IEEE Xplore-compatible PDF of your paper.

3. Upload your Xplore compatible PDF manuscript to EDAS

  1. Log in at
  2. Select the “My Papers” tab
  3. Select the paper title you wish to upload the manuscript for to be directed to the paper record
  • Specify the presenter and complete the presenter’s biography form – Please declare who will be presenting the paper at the conference. Once in your paper record, click the Change/Add icon in the Presenter row. Indicate who will present the paper and click Choose presenter. Presenters must fill out a short bio (50-word max) on EDAS by going to the ‘My Profile’ tab and filling in the information in the ‘Brief bio’ field. Information in this form will be used by the session chairperson to introduce the presenter.
  1. Complete the electronic copyright form via EDAS – IEEE is enforcing strict copyright rules. For your convenience, the copyright form is made available electronically through EDAS. To access the copyright form, select the icon in the copyright column within your paper record. NO PAPER WILL BE PUBLISHED WITHOUT THE SUBMITTED COPYRIGHT FORM.
  2. Upload your paper – Bypass the “Review Manuscript” option in your EDAS paper record and upload your paper directly to “Final Manuscript” by selecting the upload icon. Submissions are due by September 2, 2024.

4. Presentation Submission

  • Submit your presentation slides via EDAS no later than September 29, 2024. Should you make changes to your presentation following submission, you must bring your presentation on USB and upload it directly to the presentation computer prior to your scheduled session. 

IEEE Copyright Notice

If authors would like to post their papers electronically on any web site, any ftp site, or any other electronic dissemination technique, they must include the IEEE Copyright notice on the initial screen displaying the IEEE-copyrighted material. 

IEEE Copyright Form

Each accepted contribution to IEEE ISPCS 2024 must be accompanied by a signed Copyright Form. The copyright form should be filled out and signed by one author, preferably the primary author.


Problems & Further Information

For questions or concerns, please contact Alexis Wisdom.

We look forward to bringing you the highest-quality content for IEEE ISPCS 2024.